to be a changemaker
In the picture Miro, back then student in Stage Performing Arts at Novia University of Applied Sciences, volunteering for our partner organisation NIHEP in Mwanza. He was keeping drama classes in Tambukkareli Primary in 2014. We have a close collaboration with universities in Finland and Sweden.
Something that have got stuck in my head at the moment is to co-create. We often think “I cannot do anything, I am not enough” to change the world but we can turn it around and reflect on how many we are who actually can do something. We can inspire each other and do things together. Thanks to volunteers, private sponsors, enterprises and other organisations NIHEP have reached where they are today, and Mwembe has been able to support their community work.
Now we wish to take it a step further and together with enterprises, cultural institutions and organisations work for social sustainability. NIHEP works on all levels in their community and in collaboration with the authorities, with schools, with other organisations. But there are still more partners to include.
Big social challenges around the world cannot be solved of one organisation, one enterprise, one individual separately. We believe in collaboration and in an eco-system of all parts for more equal societies.
The business world, politicians, institutions – all can gain in working for a higher purpose in a bigger network. It is not always about money and economic support. It is about taking a decision on what we want to stand for and act according to it. We can give of our time, our skills, and we can share information on how to support, inspiration for change.
Inspire your family, friends, work colleagues, to engage in positive social change and to work for a better world!
Slowly we can hopefully start to have gatherings again, lets meet up to see what we can do – to go together is always better!
Stay tuned for info!